Free lead working courses

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This is a great offer for the LSA and Lead Contractors’ Association and its free, the online courses cover many aspects of the ways to dress lead and welt lead to provide water tight solutions.The courses use videos, presentations and interviews with key industry people who know the construction business inside out and use this experience to give handy hints and tips on the main techniques and best way to get the most out of using rolled lead sheet.

The free courses cover:

Good Practice Guide for Rolled Lead Sheet – this course highlights the importance of the correct detailing of lead work and installation techniques with demonstrations from experts. The method of installation of lead sheet is a critical factor in ensuring long-term performance. The aim of this e-course is to focus on the application of lead, as detailed within Rolled Lead Sheet: The Complete Manual and provides detailed summaries on how to weld, boss and install lead correctly, and how to identify defects.

Lead Safety – highlights all aspects of lead safety, including correct working practices and controls that should be in place. Lead sheet provides a tremendous range of benefits to the construction sector due to its flexibility and durability. However there are some minor health and safety issues that you need to be aware of. The aim of this e-course is to help contractors who use lead on a daily basis to develop their knowledge and understanding of lead safety. It focuses on the safe handling of lead, the simple control measures required to protect yourself, health screening, and the importance of personal hygiene

Design and Specification of Rolled Lead Sheet – will enable specialist contractors, metal workers, specifiers, surveyors and conservationists to understand the manufacturing, economic, technical and environmental characteristics of lead

Design and Specification of Rolled Lead Sheet – will enable specialist contractors, metal workers, specifiers, surveyors and conservationists to understand the manufacturing, economic, technical and environmental characteristics of lead

I’m sure there will be many roofers and lead worker out there looking to skill up and this seem like a good initative for those working in construction to take tips form the experts.

As pointed out by Nigel Johnston, General Manager at the LSA who said: ‘The major benefit of the e-learning courses is that people will not have to take time off work to refresh their knowledge or gain a qualification as they can fit their studies into their private time, working at their own pace.

‘Each separate course lasts up to an hour, and on completion a certificate will be issued by the LSA/LCA. So whether you are looking to refresh your skills or looking at possibly using rolled lead sheet for the first time, this is a great starting point.’

The e-learning courses, supported by the CITB Growth Fund, complement all the existing training courses and qualifications which are currently available from the LSA. These range from basic bossing and welding to Specialist Apprenticeship Programmes.

If you wish to gain extra skills in this field please register at