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Nationaltradesmen.co.uk offers tradesmen jobs, construction companies profiles, construction news, construction companies listings, tradesmen job postings, free tradesmen job profiles, construction forums and tradesmen’s news all in one place, if you are looking for work or looking for workers you are in the right place.

Latest news


Driver dies after being crushed by concrete blocks

A driver was crushed to death by falling concrete blocks at a
Work carried out with no scaffolding

Homeowner spared jail after carrying out work on his home

A homeowner has been given a suspended sentence after he carried out

Van Elle fined £233,000 after piling rig fell and killed HGV driver

A tragic accident resulted in a HGV driver losing his life after
Tata Chemicals Europe site where Michael died

TATA chemicals fined after scaffolders death

Tata Chemicals Europe Limited has been fined after a young father Michael
Construction total activity index

Construction buyers report shows growth

Construction has been in the doldrums over the past year but the
Crane fire east London

Crane operator trapped on crane boom after fire

A crane operator has been trapped on a crane boom and seven
Ten commandments

Top 12 contractors call for more foreign workers

Many tradesmen may be shocked to hear the headline that we need
Carillion goes into liquidation

Carillon collapse left council with £13.5m defects bill

Oxfordshire County council spent £13.5m fixing defects left by collapsed building firm

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