Cross rail bosses still getting HUGE bonus payments
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Crossrails head men have pocketed more than £500,000 in bonus payments last year despite the ongoing delays and cost overruns which some have called OUTRAGEOUS.
The figures for the large bonuses are contained in Transport for London’s draft annual report for the financial year to March 31 2019.
They relate to so called “performance related pay” bonuses earned in 2017/18 and paid in 2018/19.
The biggest bonus of £90,000 went to Steve White who was Operations Director, Sub-Surface Lines.
Mark Wild white is their current chief executive received a £69,312 bonus on top of his base salary of £333,669.
The report also details redundancy payments of more than £1m for a handful of executives let go during the year.
Valerie Todd, Talent and Resources Director at Crossrail was given “compensation of loss of employment” of £444,378 while surface director Matthew White walked with £144,000 and Finance Director Mathew Duncan £125,000.
The report also highlights how the near two-year delay to opening Crossrail will cost TfL more than £1bn in lost revenue.