Idiots on ladders is back

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Over the Christmas period we will be sharing the idiots on ladders campaign with images of the best or worst offenders the competition which is open from 1 September to 31 December, you’ll have a chance to enter by the ladder association snaps of unsafe situations of people using ladders.

Idiots on ladder in JCB
Idiots on ladder in JCB

How do I take part?

Taken a photo of an unsafe ladder in use? You can send it to us in three ways:

  1. Post it on the Ladder Association Facebook page
  2. Tweet it to us using the hashtag #idiotsonladders
  3. Send them to us directly to post, using our simple submission form

The voting works just like last year – the number of ‘likes’ each picture gets on Facebook and the number of shares each picture gets on Twitter is tallied up and the winner is announced at the end of the Ladder Exchange.

Ladder Association Communications & Social Media Officer, Michael Fern, commented saying: “This year the public sent in more pictures of people working dangerously at height than ever before, and some of the pictures were among the most unbelievable we have seen.

“Along with the winner, one of the runners up also showed a ladder being used from inside an excavator, hinting at how worryingly common even ideas as ridiculous as these can be.

“Idiots on Ladders is a great reminder of the importance of training.

“Its message is clear – if you are using a ladder you must make sure that you are competent, otherwise you really are taking your life in your hands.”