JIB rates for plumbers, electrician’s and corna virus support

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Nationaltradesmen.co.uk has been looking at current JIB rates for plumbers and electricians including apprentices we have also bee looking closely at the support for those who are furloughed in the construction industry.

As of writing the current rates for apprentices are below these will change in January 2020 so we will update this post accordingly vernal rates for working as a basic approved electrician outside of London are £15.08 inside London the rate goes up to £18.32 for the same role the rotes are higher for site technical at £17.06 and £20.75 retrospectively .

Apprentice Rates

If you’re employed by a JIB member company, your rates of pay will be as per those under the JIB Agreement.

These differ depending on whether you are at college or at work. From the 07 January 2019 the rates are:

At College At Work
Apprentice (Stage 4) £10.44 £11.50
Apprentice (Stage 3) £9.81 £10.71
Apprentice (Stage 2) £6.73 £7.48
Apprentice (Stage 1) £4.66 £5.29


Those working in London are entitled to a higher rate of pay. The current London rates are:

At College At Work
Apprentice (Stage 4) £11.70 £12.90
Apprentice (Stage 3) £10.98 £11.99
Apprentice (Stage 2) £7.59 £8.39
Apprentice (Stage 1) £5.22 £5.93


If you’re not employed by a JIB member company, these rates are recommended as best practice, but you’ll need to check your apprenticeship contract to see what you’re entitled to.

Current JIB  rates are below but please check JIB site for full rates and changes https://www.jib.org.uk/jib-handbook-section-2

Current JIB rates
Current JIB rates


Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak have recently announced its plans for supporting businesses beyond the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme which at the time of writing will end in March 2021. In its place, the government is introducing the ‘Job Support Scheme’ which is designed to provide support to employers through to the end of April 2021.

The main points of this scheme are covered in the latest JIB-PMES employer update, along with other useful information.

To access the full update, please download via the following link:
