ABC+10 year structural warranty

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Structural Warranty
A Structural Warranty, also known as a Latent Defects insurance is an insurance policy designed to protect against structural defects in newly built or recently converted buildings. Cover is provided for a 10 or 12 year period as requested by the customer and is in force from the date of the building control completion certificate.

A structural warranty will provide protection against structural defects in either workmanship or the risk of failure with construction materials. Without an approved warranty in place mortgage lenders may not release funds, delaying the sale of your property.

Our award-winning ABC+ Building Warranty covers all types of properties from residential to commercial, newly built to converted, mixed development schemes to single dwellings, housing associations to self-builders.

Please remember that our quotations are less expensive if we are appointed prior to commencement of works.

We can also certify property retrospectively or if appointed part way through the project works. In these circumstances, our quotation will be slightly more expensive as we may not have had an opportunity to inspect some of our key areas of construction.

ABC+ Building Warranty offers to beat any other genuine quotation that you may have received from another provider such as NHBC, Premier, LABC, Protek, Advantage Warranty, Checkmate, BLP or the LABC.

Unlike any other warranty provider, you can commence with our 6 Year CML Professional Consultants Certificate (accepted by most banks and building societies) and if a particular lender or purchaser prefers a 10 year Structural Warranty, we simply upgrade that property to our ABC+ 10 Year Structural Warranty Certificate

We do not require:- Membership fees OR Holding bonds and best of all our certification can be issued within minutes.

Get our indicative QUICK QUOTE in minutes or call our offices to discuss your building project tel. 0161 928 8804

ABC+ Warranty is a unique, trade-marked system for Architects Certificates and Professional Consultants Certificate Ltd 2017.

This is our own Warranty product. We don’t need to search the whole of the market for other providers products as we know that our ABC+ Warranty offers the best value for money.

Building Warranty

Do you need a quick quote please use the link below