Shocking video of road workers being narrowly missed

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It is well known that working on the roads is a risky job, to highlight this Highways England has released shocking footage of motorists attacking workers and driving through roadworks.

Latest statistics show that road workers have reported around 6,500 incidents over three years of drivers going through cones and into roadworks sites an average of 175 a month and more incidents of abuse have been reported despite a drop in traffic levels of 10% this year.

This week is “Road Safety Week” so Highways England has released CCTV footage showing vehicles careering into roadworks sites.


Mark Byard, Director of Health and Safety at Highways England commented saying: “We appreciate drivers get frustrated by roadworks but also that they understand the need for them.

“Each month we have around 175 reports of vehicles driving into roadworks, putting both road users and our roadworkers at risk. When you are driving through roadworks, please pay close attention and keep everyone safe.”

As part of Road Safety Week Highways England is asking road users to:

  • respect road workers – slow down near road works and obey speed limits and signs.
  • consider that just because workers aren’t visible, it doesn’t mean they are not present. Many operations take place at night, but also applies when visibility is restricted by works vehicles and equipment.

Roads Minister, Baroness Vere, said: “Our road workers are key to ensuring Britain’s road network runs smoothly and keeps us connected.

“Careless and reckless driving not only puts them at risk, but also other road users.

“It goes without saying that when travelling through roadworks, stick to the speed limit, pay attention and respect road workers.”

James Haluch, Managing Director at Amey Highways and chair of the group focusing on roadworker safety added: “In 2019, in Amey alone we recorded 753 vehicles driving into our road closures. Worse still, one of our roadworks vehicles are driven into every 4 or so months.

“Each one of these results in injuries to our people and it is generally the case that the physical injuries heal far quicker than the mental health ones.

“A few moments lapse of concentration could be life changing, please give the road your full attention, particularly through roadworks where there may be a temporary change to the road layout.”