All site inductions to contain slavery warning signs

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Leading construction firms have teamed up with the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) to produce practical tools designed to prevent modern slavery and labour exploitation on building sites.

The package includes a presentation for new starters which will be shown at the end of Health and Safety inductions, along with complementary posters on spotting the signs of exploitation and a toolbox talk aimed at raising awareness of workers’ rights on site.

These tools form part of the Construction Protocol, launched by the GLAA in October 2017 with a target of eradicating modern slavery and labour exploitation in the building industry.

Organisations signed up to the protocol agree to work in partnership with the GLAA to protect vulnerable workers, share information, raise awareness within their supply chains, and communicate regularly with industry colleagues to maintain momentum.

Construction Protocol induction pack from GLAA on Vimeo.

The ambition is for these products to now be used on all construction sites in the UK.

GLAA Chief Executive Michael Rich said: “With more than 100 companies now signed up to the protocol, the industry is becoming increasingly aware of the problem of modern slavery and signatories are fully committed to playing their part in tackling this awful crime.

“By using these tools on site, workers will be able to understand their rights and know how to get help if they are being exploited.

“Ultimately, we want to work with the industry to create an environment hostile to all forms of labour exploitation.”

Mark Ramessa, Kier Group Commercial Director – Trades/Subcontracts, said: “Kier is committed to protecting the human rights of everybody working for, and on behalf of, Kier.

“We fully support the GLAA in raising awareness of the signs of modern slavery in the construction industry.

“Having worked collaboratively with other leading main contractors in the UK, the production of these resources provides consistent messaging across all construction sites.

“The free to use induction packs, toolbox talks and posters can be branded for any company however large or small, with clear guidance and support for those who may need help or for site teams to seek advice.”

Alice Hands, Strategic Procurement Manager at Sir Robert McAlpine, said: “The launch of this material helps to ensure that a powerful and consistent message is spread across our industry, making it clear that we do not tolerate unethical labour practices.”

Andrew Lofty, Co-op Construction and Property Commercial Director, said: “The eradication of modern slavery must be a priority for all businesses. The release of this induction pack and toolkit support is an important step forward and will help spread best practice and ultimately protect workers that are at risk of exploitation.

“The Co-op is committed to work with the GLAA to continue to raise awareness of this heinous crime.”

The package will be free to download from the protocol page on the GLAA website and can be edited so businesses can add their own contact details. Translations are also embedded within the presentation.

If you suspect someone is being exploited, please contact our dedicated intelligence team on 0800 4320804 or email

If you would like to join the Construction Protocol, email