Nationaltradesmen app now available on amazon store

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We are proud to announce that the nationaltradesmen app is now available on the amazon app store and available to download which makes the app available for kindle users and all other amazon devices.

We have taken steps prior to launch to insure that our services are available on all platforms and with the surge in popularity of the amazon app store we now have our app placed on the store as many Andriod users are now using amazon instead of google play because they are offering one free paid app a day to users.

Nationaltradesmen on amazon store
Nationaltradesmen on amazon store

We now have our app on IOS apple app store, Andriod, Amazon and the Windows store ready to download for free we also offer free job postings for all users via the Andriod, Amazon and IOS apps and remember its free for all users to search our database for tradesmen and for tradesmen to search for jobs once they have registered.

If you want to downalod the app from any of the stores just search on your phone for Nationaltradesmen and don’t forget there’s also the forums, blogs and news pages on the site.