CSCS to shut skills card loophole
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The CSCS skills card scheme is ending an exemption to the CITB health, safety and environment test following the consultation with its partners including the CITB.
Normally most applicants are required to achieve a recognised construction related qualification (usually an NVQ or SVQ) as well as pass the CITB safety test within the last two years.
If applicants have achieved an SVQ or NVQ within the last two years they currently do not have to sit the CITB Health, safety and environment test.
CSCS’s Director of Operations Gordon Jenkins commented saying: “Accepting the recent completion of an SVQ or NVQ as an exemption to taking the CITB Health, safety and environment test is no longer in step with the wishes of the industry and as such the exemption will be withdrawn.”
The change will take place from September 2 2019 from when all applicants will be required to pass the CITB health, safety and environment test.
Jenkins sais: “CSCS, together with our 35 partner card schemes, are bound by the requirements of the Industrial Strategy for Construction.
“The Industrial Strategy is overseen by The Construction Leadership Council who, in 2015, announced that cards displaying the CSCS logo should only issue skilled cards to applicants who hold nationally recognised construction qualifications and have passed a separate health and safety element.”
For further information on CSCS’s plans to withdraw the exemption to the CITB Health, safety and environment test click here.