Select mobile crane fleet sold by Laing O’Rourke

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Laing O’Rourke is to sell 11 mobile cranes from its Select Plant arm which will be transferred to Ainscough boosting its fleet of mobile cranes.

The operators some 16 in number staff are expected to transfer over when the deal is completed at the end of this month.

 Laing O’Rourke which owns Select plant could be set to sell other parts of the business.

Although Laing’s has responded saying said that it planned to continue to invest in key parts of the Select Plant fleet as demand required.

A Laing O’Rourke sposelect-crane-hirekesperson said: “As part of the group’s best practice we are continuously looking at improvements that we can make in the efficiency and productivity of our operations.

“Having assessed our mobile crane assets, we believe that the operational support of an external partner in this area will strengthen our offer. 

“We have agreed to sell our mobile fleet to Ainscough Crane Hire, which currently meets 75% of our mobile crane requirements, and we will continue to work with them on an ongoing basis.” 

He added: “We will continue to invest in the aspects of our Select Plant fleet required to meet the challenges of the complex projects Laing O’Rourke is delivering.”

Ainscough said that Select had commenced consultation with the relevant employees on the potential transfer and both parties expected to conclude the transaction soon.