Brick makers baking over Christmas

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Well this is good news for all those involved in the construction industry I remember when many of these smaller brick makers went bust when the crash happened now  they are staying open over Christmas.

This year may plants will stay open in a bid to cope with surging demand from house builders which has seen materials shortages across the country this means  brick production this year is expected to hit 1.73 billion units.

This year  in July the deliveries of new bricks were up 12% on the previous year despite a 12% fall in the year to March after three months of cold weather slowed production which is a good sign of improvement in the market.

Stewart Baseley, Executive Chairman of the Home Buiders Federation said: “Help to Buy is driving a big increase in house building activity.

“If people can buy, builders will build. Existing sites are being b

uilt out quicker and developers are looking to start on new ones sooner.

“As a result there is an increased demand for labour and materials and we are seeing the supply chain respond. The increase in house building activity is creating jobs both directly on site and indirectly in the supply chain.”

Housing Minister Kris Hopkins visited a new Ibstock brick factory in Chesterton, Newcastle-under-Lyme yesterday the firm has reponed a factory in Leicester that closed in 2008 in those dark days of the crash.


Construction recovery
Construction recovery

The housing minister commented : “I’m delighted to be in Newcastle-under-Lyme today to see how this is delivering a boost for brick makers.

“Enough bricks will be made in 2013 to go 9 times round the earth or build 28 St Pancras stations, and I’m hoping next year we’ll make enough to reach the moon.

“It’s been great to see Ibstock’s state-of-the-art factory and meet with workers who are ramping up production and, for the first time in years, keeping the factory running over the Christmas period to catch up with orders and help get Britain building again.”

Lets hope its the start of the good times for us in the construction industry.