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Eoinvoice.org scam?

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  • #22948

    Hi has anyone else had calls to do breakdowns on tenant properties and ask to invoice Eoinvoice? They first rang me under the company British builders based in Covent Garden London and today I got a call from Obre (based in W1 London)but with the same email. I invoiced the first job nearly 2 months ago and still no payment so needless to say I declined to attend the job today.
    Just a warning to anyone else in case you get a call. They send you detail via WhatsApp.

    Greg Nelson

    Thanks for letting everyone know Haven’t heard of this one before

    gregory nelson

    Any more news on this?

    Mike WilsonnMike Wilsonn

    Any more upate?


    Hey Guys, we never got paid by ‘British Builders’ for some plumbing work we did. They are now threatening us with legal action and a fine of £15,000 and emails came from Subcontractors@eoinvoice.org

    Steven Peter James

    Hi I never really join forums etc, But I just had to join just to say I have been tucked up for works carried out in Milton Keynes. Same email address same name Obre, correspondence via WhatsApp etc. Email: subcontractors@eoinvoice.org Phone: 07561 135014 This fella even contacted me on Christmas morning saying he needs the certificate to close the job down. Now I’m nobody’s fool but this xxxx got me, after me refusing to supply any certificate until payment. The call on Christmas morning begging that he needs the certificate to shut the job done. And that my payment will be made within the hour. What can I say he got me. I want to say more but I can’t blame every African for scamming me, so I will leave it there. Good luck anyone trying to get paid from these slippery xxxx’s

    louis marchant

    Been done by these bastards aswell, now taking them to small Claims Court, also have found there real office adress , anyone here have any luck pursuing this

    Brij KhanBrij Khan

    I have been working with them for over 2 years and my payments get paid on time, always spot on.
    They have a standard policy to Without contractors payment until any disputed work gets rectified but I guess this is standard practice in this industry let’s be honest with each other.
    I read other bad reviews here but no one knows the other side of the story as to why those subcontractors weren’t paid, or did get pay at the end without sharing this information.

    Brij KhanBrij Khan

    I know who you are. You are faking to be a tradesman but you used to be their customer because I did a job in your house. I don’t understand why you are pretending to be a trademan! We did a good job for you.

    Brij KhanBrij Khan

    I know who you are. You are faking to be a tradesman but you used to be their customer because I did a job in your house. I don’t understand why you are pretending to be a trademan! We did a good job for you

    Steven Peter James

    Just an update, I think I am going to be paid. He has explained his issues. He currently has 48 Million Dollars stuck in a bank account in Kenya after his father passed away, whilst collecting water in the blazing sun. All I’ve had to do is send my banking details over. He will deposit 48 Million into my account and all I have to do is forward him 40 Million and you will not believe it but I get to keep 8 Million Dollars. And Mr Birj Khan is very bitter after finding out his blood diamonds are glass. Mr Khan chats Shit

    louis marchant

    Nice try, but this is a clear attempt to discredit genuine tradespeople who have been scammed by 24 British Maintenance, OBRE, and 24 British Builders.

    Multiple tradesmen, including myself, have had identical issues with them—non-payment, shifting blame, and contradictory excuses.

    There is documented evidence of their fraudulent activity, and legal action is already underway.

    These companies operate under different names to keep scamming people.

    If you were genuinely a satisfied worker, you wouldn’t need to jump into a thread full of people exposing their bad practices. The fact that your account is newly created and only commenting here makes it obvious you’re working for them.

    If you’re legitimate, provide proof—receipts, invoices, payments. Otherwise, you’re just another fake account trying to cover their tracks.

    You picked the wrong guy, mate. I’ll see this through till the bitter end. I’m petty as hell—I don’t care about the money, I just want to make sure you scumbags never get the chance to do this to anyone else again.

    Sam Howkin

    Yes I have been a contractor of theirs, did three jobs and always got paid, one payment was 1 week late but they paid up.
    This tells me you lot had your invoices disputed, i suggest you email them again because they have a reasonable appeal process.

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