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Reply To: Eoinvoice.org scam?

Steven Peter James

Hi I never really join forums etc, But I just had to join just to say I have been tucked up for works carried out in Milton Keynes. Same email address same name Obre, correspondence via WhatsApp etc. Email: subcontractors@eoinvoice.org Phone: 07561 135014 This fella even contacted me on Christmas morning saying he needs the certificate to close the job down. Now I’m nobody’s fool but this xxxx got me, after me refusing to supply any certificate until payment. The call on Christmas morning begging that he needs the certificate to shut the job done. And that my payment will be made within the hour. What can I say he got me. I want to say more but I can’t blame every African for scamming me, so I will leave it there. Good luck anyone trying to get paid from these slippery xxxx’s